Sunday, June 29, 2008

Proud Father of Four

I've been learning about Bonsai lately, and I planted some seeds about two weeks ago. On Friday after work, I was delighted to find that some of my seeds had started growing. A chinese wisteria came up:

As well as two Jacarandas:

Now that was enough, but today (sunday), I also found that one of my giant california redwoods has also sprouted:

Now here's the interesting thing. The Jacarandas have been growing like I'd expect them to, but the Chinese Wisteria is going wild. 72 hours after the first picture, it now looks like this:

Simply amazing.

1 comment:

  1. you and i are a lot alike, i am in school to become a computer hardware technician, i currently am growing a wysteria for the purpose of bonsai, its been over a year now and im proud of my 4 to 6 inch plant. and what drew me to your sight was learning how to make noodles. i tell you with the wysteria you have good times and some bad. it seems that only when my plant goes through some sort of trama do i get any growth, earlier this year it lost all of its leaves then shot up another inch but after it grew 3 more branches it just stopped and hasnt grown since. but alas i must end my rant and bid you farewell and thank you for all of your noodle wisdom. i hope your plants have a long and healthy life.


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